
Thursday, 11 February 2016

Kolmapäev, esimene päev Wertheris

Alguseks ja mõnuga tuleb mitmes keeles postitus!

The journey from Kanepi to Riga was an experience because the bus was warm not to say hot and all people tried to manage with it. neverteheless, until Latvian border there was silence because free Internet was actively used and after that face to face communication started. Some laughters were heard and it was again normal human environment.

As you know the airport in Riga is on the other side of the town, so it took almost an hour to drive through the city. And then goodbye to bus. Airport Riga is small enough to manage and we had time to walk around and see the shops there and everyday rustle of a busy airport. Water costs 2.50 and sandwiches at least 3.50. So you are not eager to buy. But Ryanair as a cheap flight means it is not as comfortable as Lufthansa which was our last trip to Italy.

The gate should have been closed 13.30 (departure 14.00), but the plane arrived at the same time so we had to wait in a long queue. Nut they managed the boarding with 20 minutes, unbelievable - about 180 people. Ryanair. No drinks, no snacksbut cheap. Nobody had problems with take off or landing only some people got hearing problems even an hour after the flight.
Bremeni Raekoda ja Stadtmusikanten

It was a pity we couldnt stay in Bremen for a guided tour but last time 2013 we had it and we liked it. A beautiful  city.

Bremen was warm and the bus driver really nice. So the journey from Bremen to Werther took about two and half hours. There was a short Stau, but it did not disturb our mood. The bus driver said good words to us in German and we applauded. I translated later. I hope our students understand at least some of the words of German and get used to listen to German language.

So jetzt ein bisschen auf Deutsch auch. Wir sind durch drei Bundesländer gefahren, zuerst Bremen, dann Niedrsachsen und Nordrhein-Westfalen. Das Wetter war sehr regnerisch, aber doch es war mehr rühling als in Estland, die Wiesen waren grün. Wir haben auch viele Windmühlen gesehen. Wenn das Wort richtig ist. Muss nachgucken.

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